Neustädter Markt is located in the center of Brandenburg and is characterized by an undefined area,
which was created in the course of the Second World War. In the summer semester 2022, 65 students of the School of Architecture Bremen have dedicated themselves to the task of redefining and designing the square.
The five best works will be selected and exhibited in Brandenburg an der Havel on 07.10.2022.
The Neustädtischer Markt (New Town Market) with the Neustädtisches Rathaus (New Town Town Hall) was the central place for politics, administration, trade and living in Brandenburg an der Havel. With its tower, the Neustädtisches Rathaus formed an important landmark for the city's trade routes. Shortly before the end of the Second World War, the town hall was destroyed. The original urban structure, typical for this location, with two town squares, the Neustädtischer Markt in the southeast and the Molkenmarkt in the northwest, was and still is not perceptible today.
Since April of this year, 65 students from the Bremen University of Applied Sciences with the School of Architecture Bremen have been working on their bachelor's theses on the question of how this inner-city area can be planned and redefined in the sense of "urban repair". In addition to an urban planning and programmatic/content-related idea for the entire area, the aim was to design an individual building block in more detail as an example and thus show what an urban house could look like here.
To this end, they held a two-day workshop in the nave of the Paulikloster monastery, got an idea of the historically grown urban square and presented their first drafts.
Award ceremony
In mid-September, the best 18 competition entries were judged at a jury meeting in Bremen, where three prize winners and two particularly noteworthy entries were selected. The jury consisted of, among others:
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Heidrun Fleege, Advisory Board for Monument Preservation and Urban Redevelopment/Building Culture, Brandenburg an der Havel, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Antje Freiesleben, Berlin, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Antje Hendriks, Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and Dipl.-Ing. Michael Müller, Mayor of the City of Brandenburg an der Havel.
On Friday, October 7, 2022, the award ceremony for the competition will take place in the Rolandzimmer of the Altstädtisches Rathaus at 10:00 am. From October 7 to 20, 2022, interested parties will then have the opportunity to view the best five designs of the students in the exhibition.
The student competition was organized by the City of Brandenburg an der Havel (Urban Planning, Construction and Environment Division) and the Wohnungsbaugesellschaft der Stadt Brandenburg an der Havel mbH (wobra) in cooperation with the School of Architecture Bremen (SoAB) at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences. As well as with the support of the Stadtwerke Brandenburg an der Havel.
Accompanied by all university lecturers of the Bremen University of Applied Sciences.
Award ceremony:
Location: Rolandzimmer Old Town Hall.
Date: Friday, October 7, 2022
Time: 10 a.m.
October 7 - 20, 2022
1st place Alina Niehoff
News at the Neustadt market
2nd place Jasper Johann Janssen
Brandenburg a. d. Havel - From the urban design to the detail
3rd place Theo Marek Blindow
Neustadt Gatehouse
Recognitions Jasper Tammo Barfuß
Neustadt Market
Recognitions Lukas Brenning
Town house - Brandenburg a. d. Havel
Prof. Klaus Schäfer
Städtebau und Entwerfen
+49 421 5905 2757
Prof. Katja-Annika Pahl
Entwerfen, Darstellung und Gestaltung
+49 421 5905 2669