Study achievements are assessed with credit points (CP) according to the ECTS standard.
ECTS points are a quantitative measure of the student's total workload. They include both the direct teaching in all courses and forms of teaching specified in the study regulations as well as the time spent preparing for and following up the course material (attendance and self-guided study), the time spent preparing for examinations and the examinations taken.
It makes sense to talk to the programme director right at the beginning of your studies. During this meeting, the further procedure for lectures, laboratory exercises and examinations can be discussed and agreed upon.
It is best to first make an appointment with the programme director. If subsequently required, make an appointment for counselling with the Counselling Centre for Inclusive Studies or the General Students' Committee (AStA) (website only available in German).
Students who receive BAföG must, without being requested to do so, submit a § 48 certificate as proof of having earned 90 CP after the fourth semester in order to continue to receive funding.
For reasons that are not the fault of the student, such as illness, a request may be made to submit the transcript of records at a later date.
The BAföG office can also ask about academic achievements in connection with a change of subject area, and will always do so if you apply for study completion assistance (in this case, admission to the final examination is a prerequisite).
Therefore, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from the BAföG office and/or the BAföG and Social Counselling Service of the AStA (website only available in German) at the beginning of your studies and during the course of your studies.
The Enrolment and Examination Office is responsible for the transcript of records. You can find the print version in the QIS-POS portal. The document contains all your sub-modules and examinations registered online and confirmed by the lecturers. You submit the printed document, signed by the Examinations Office, to the BAföG Office.
Please contact your programme director.
The study plan (module overview) indicates at which point in time you should take which course and which examinations are scheduled.
At the university, timetabling and module registration is done online. To prepare and plan, you need your examination regulations and the course catalogue. You can find both on your faculty website. If you are already experiencing difficulties with your course planning, so that you are concerned that you will not be able to complete the required work and examinations within the specified time and/or take them, please make an appointment with your programme director.
If you are limited in your ability to study, you have the option to study part-time.
All students whose special living and study conditions are reflected in the following are entitled to compensation for disadvantages:
In the case of necessary changes to study and examination performance, an informal application for disadvantage compensation (reason, certificate, proposed changes) must be submitted to the examination board. Here too, the Advisory Office for Inclusive Studies and the General Students' Committee (AStA) (website only available in German) provide advice.
Yes, as a rule, funding beyond the maximum funding period is possible in this case upon application. The Studierendenwerk Bremen is responsible for BAföG and some other financial support options at the Hochschule Bremen.
According to the General Part of the Bachelor’s Examination Regulations (§15 (4), AT-BPO), non-attendance at a written examination date/exam is considered a regular withdrawal (applies to both examinations of a module examination). Therefore, if you do not attend on the main date and/or the repeat date, you will always receive the examination status NE (not appeared). After the main date, as in the case of a fail (5.0), you remain automatically registered in the QIS-POS portal for the repeat date. If you do not attend the repeat appointment or fail, you must re-register for the module. The examination status NE is not considered a failed attempt and is not graded.
Therefore, please make sure that your examination status NE has been entered as a record of achievement (grade) in the QIS-POS portal and in the grade posting if you have registered for a module examination but have not appeared for the examination.
For subject changes, tuition fees, re-registration and leave of absence from studies, the administrative staff of your degree programme at the Enrolment and Examination Office is primarily responsible.
You can take leave of absence for two semesters during your studies without giving reasons. If you need further semesters of leave, these can be granted in exceptional cases with special justification.
The programme director and the advisory office ‘Inklusiv Studieren’ are available to advise you.
The semesters of leave do not count as study semesters.
With the term ‘studying with disabilities and/or chronic illness’, the HSB addresses the different impairments of students. These include: Students with movement and sensory disabilities, students with chronic somatic and chronic mental illnesses, as well as students with dyslexia and other partial performance disorders.
Unfortunately, no. This is regulated in the Matriculation Regulations (§ 9 paragraph 3 and 4)
Students who take leave of absence due to parental responsibility are exempt. Please refer to the BAföG regulations.
In principle, you can apply, register or enrol online like any other prospective student. In addition to general student counselling, the counselling centre ‘Inklusiv studieren’ is available to answer any disability-specific questions (e.g. hardship application, infrastructure) or to help you with your application or admission. Please note that the recognition of a case of hardship does not guarantee that you will be granted a place at university (the hardship quota is 5 percent).
Applicants who do not have an entrance qualification for a university degree programme or who do not have a previous education that is recognised as equivalent have the opportunity to obtain a place by taking a placement examination. Here you can apply for disadvantage compensation according to § 31 BremHG (Bremen Higher Education Act).
The current status of your study situation is a good basis for a discussion with the programme director about further planning of your studies. You can obtain this information from the responsible unit at the Enrolment and Examination Office. If you still have questions and need further support, you can of course contact the Advisory Office for Inclusive Studies or the General Students' Committee (AStA) (website only available in German).
Yes, in order to be able to meet the deadlines for applying for BAföG abroad, funding for additional disability-related needs or various scholarships, two years of preparation and planning are necessary. The best way to prepare and plan a placement or semester abroad is to contact the Studierendenwerk Bremen for BAföG and to the International Office for special funding ‘Erasmus+’.
A good overview of possible scholarship providers can be found at the portal Stipendienlotse (only available in German) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research or the online scholarship and career network (available only in German).
A (new) application is required for a change of degree programme. The regular application deadlines also apply here. If the degree programme is closely related, it is possible to apply for a higher semester, if necessary, by enclosing the documents required for comparability.
If you would like to change to a degree programme that is not related to your current degree programme, you must apply for the first semester. In the case of an internal university application, please contact the General Students' Committee (AStA) (website only available in German) in advance (financial implications) and then please contact the Enrolment and Examination Office regarding the formalities.
If you have to give up your previous degree programme for health reasons, you can submit a hardship application with your application to increase your chances of getting a new place.
Technical aids
Depending on the impairment and the degree programme, different technical aids are required, so unfortunately the Hochschule Bremen cannot meet this need or provide financial support. The responsible Office for Social Services is responsible for applying for integration assistance.
Personal assistance
As a rule, you will look for a suitable assistant yourself so that you have the opportunity to work together on a long-term and familiar basis. Not least because you will also need them for your studies at home. Study assistants can be engaged personally, for example a friend who is studying with you or fellow students who you get to know during your studies. Talk to the head of your degree programme and ask for support. On the other hand, it is possible to find assistants through certain social institutions, for example the Assistenzgenossenschaft Bremen. The costs are also covered as integration assistance via the responsible Social Services Office.
No, not even if you are entitled to attend (individual) courses during the semester of leave due to special regulations (BAföG-VwV 9.2.1).
If you take a retroactive leave of absence and have already received BAföG for individual months of the semester of leave, the BAföG office will claim the money back.
Important: You must inform the BAföG office if you are taking a leave of absence so that payments can be stopped. If you have no other source of funding during the semester of leave, you may be able to apply for unemployment benefit (Arbeitslosengeld II). You can get detailed advice from the AStA (website only available in German).
No, unfortunately not. Despite severe disability or chronic illness, the following applies: You must always apply for compensation for disadvantages before the examination or exam. It is therefore best to submit this application right at the beginning of your studies/semester.
There are degree programmes at the Hochschule Bremen that generally include and require a semester abroad or a placement. Before you apply, please clarify with the programme director to what extent an individual solution (disadvantage compensation) is possible.
Requests for compensation for disadvantages must always be submitted in writing and in due time to the responsible examination committee. Therefore, please always react immediately to emerging problems during your studies.
Compensation for disadvantages during studies does not only apply to exams, but also to the studies themselves. Possibilities for compensating for disadvantages can be, for example:
After approval by the examination committee, you will receive a letter which you should show to your lecturer in good time before the examination(s). This letter entitles you to claim the respective disadvantage compensation and, in order to protect your privacy, no longer contains any diagnoses or further personal details. The granting of a disadvantage compensation will also not be noted in the transcripts.
With the online admission you will receive information for the first semester and a questionnaire from the central contact point for disabled and chronically ill students. Completing the questionnaire is, of course, on a voluntary basis, but it will enable you to make an appointment for counselling to discuss your start and progress in your studies.
For BAföG benefits, please contact the BAföG and Social Counselling Service of the AStA (website only available in German).
You yourself decide, based on your health situation, whether and with whom you would like to discuss your study progress. Information and counselling sessions are, of course, treated confidentially and finally it is solely up to you whether further persons should be informed and/or steps should be taken. Applications (hardship cases, compensation for disadvantages) always deal with the effects/restrictions of your ability to study, which means that diagnoses and therapy contents are not part of the applications. Considerations during your studies, for example, compensation for disadvantages, are not shown on your degree certificate.
Here you will find information on barrier-free living.
As a rule, students are not entitled to housing allowance, but there is the exception if you are not entitled to BAföG.
Applications must be submitted to the Amt für Wohnungswesen (website only available in German).